
In order to operate the underground resources consciously and with the highest efficiency, contribute to the welfare of the society and present it to the national economy, it is necessary to give importance to mining education and research. Eskisehir is one of the most popular sites in Turkey in terms of mining, and it has significant reserves of boron, chromium, magnesite, gold, marble and meerschaum. Mining Engineering Department was established in Eskişehir in 1975 to support the activities of the mining enterprises located in the region. The department has three divisions, namely, Mining, Mineral Processing and Excavation Machines and Mechanization.

According to a research, the Mining Engineering branch ranks 16th among 103 professions in terms of the mean score among professions. Our department ranks 6th after METU, HU, ITU, IU and DEU among the current departments in the ranking of educational institutions according to their profession. There are also Master and Doctorate programs affiliated to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in our department which does not have a faculty or staff deficit.

In our department, Mining Engineering information is given to undergraduate students in theory and applications. After the first two years of basic Mining Engineering education, students are given the opportunity to specialize in the branch which they are interested in with elective courses in the third and fourth year. In our department, there are Mineral Processing, Rock Mechanics, Physics-Chemistry, Mineralogy-Mine Deposits and Gems-Semi-Precious Stones Laboratories. Our laboratory facilities which have reached a very good level in terms of Mining Engineering and researches continue to be developed in accordance with the requirements of the information and technology era.